Integration with Zapier
Now you can integrate JivoChat with thousands of platforms creating a Zap using our Zapier integration. We will send the event "Chat finished" (chat_finished) so you can send data from JivoChat to any of the thousands of apps that Zapier offer to integrate with.
It is very simple, we will show you the first steps in this tutorial.
Please go to Zapier and log in to your account. If you do not have one yet, you can create it for free. Free Zapier accounts can have up to 5 2-step Zaps.
After you are logged in, come back to this tutorial and click on this direct link or copy this URL and paste it in your browser:
You can also simply search for "JivoChat" in the list of available integrations inside Zapier.
When it is loaded, you will see the page below. Click on "Connect to 2,000+ Apps".
Now you will see the only event we send from JivoChat. Click on "Continue".
In this step, you will connect your JivoChat account. Click on "Sign in to JivoChat". A new window will open for you to log in with your JivoChat credentials.
After logging in, please choose the channel to connect and click on "Continue".
Click on "Test trigger" to confirm the right account has been connected.
Here you will pick a sample to make your Zap. Just click on "Continue" once more:
The JivoChat configuration part is now done.
Finally, you will now see a search box and a list of apps you can connect JivoChat to. Depending on the requirements, you will be able to connect any app from the list. Note that some of the integrations are only available under the paid version of Zapier. For more information, please contact Zapier support team.
As an example, we chose the email integration provided by Zapier.
Keep in mind that there are many integrations available in Zapier. If you face any issues, please contact their support team.
Continuing our example, let's now set up how we want the integration to work. Each app will show different fields that they allow to connect with information sent from us.
In our example, let's configure the integration to automatically redirect a copy of chat logs to clients.
First, we want the field "To" from an e-mail to be the visitor's e-mail address.
We manually wrote a default "Subject" and added the HTML chat log field in the e-mail "Body". After customizing it, click to "Continue".
In the next screen, you'll be able to send a Zap test or skip this test if it's not necessary.
After finishing the test or skipping it, simply click on "Done Editing" and activate your new Zap to activate the integration you created.
Your Zap should be active and running.
That is all! Now you will receive the selected data from our event "Chat Finished" directly to your favorite service. You can use this integrations to connect JivoChat with your CRM, Email, Google Calendar or any other apps available in Zapier.