How to make proactive invitations work perfectly

Included for free in plans

The JivoChat service offers a wide range of options for the JivoChat box pop up invitation via Admin Panel Triggers’ settings:

The default settings of Triggers are optimal in most cases – the visitor will be prompted with chat box pop-up invitation after 20 seconds of being on the site and at least 10 seconds on the current page. If the visitor navigates to a different page, the next invitation will be displayed in at least one minute. But if he closes the chat box with invitation by X - it will not appear in more than five minutes. The default invitation text is "Hello! How may I help you? "

Active invitations are more effectively to engage visitors to communication, rather than a static chat button. At the same time, thoughtful settings are more effective than standard ones. What can be changed?

How to set up triggers in the JivoChat service, you can find in this article.

The text of the invitation, depending on the name or category of goods#

The basics of this method are described in the reference guide link an is recommended for review. You need to add a new action, one of the conditions is the URL or its part, or the title of the page (Title) or part of it. For example, if Title contains a "backpack", then the action with the text about the backpacks should work. As a result, if the visitor is on the target page then an invitation will be triggered specifically for this page. And to prevent the common action on the "backpack" page it is necessary to add the condition in that common action like "if Title does not contain a "backpack ", then display the invitation for all pages."

Let’s analyze it in the example with backpacks. First of all, click "Add Action" and fill our new action with the conditions.

  • The first condition is mandatory: "Presence of agents online"- "Yes". It allows us to separate the conditions for online and offline modes of the widget.

  • The second condition is: "Time on page". It is necessary to show the invitation just after a while, so the visitor can explore the content of the page. Set it up to 10 seconds, for example.

  • The third condition is optional: "Time on site" For those visitors who have just visited the site and they need more that 10 seconds to explore the content of the index page. But for those visitors which found the target page it’s not necessary to set up this delay condition.

  • The fourth and the fifth conditions are: "Time since the last proactive invitation" and "Time since JivoChat window was closed". These conditions exist in case to prevent chat window to pop up on every page and do not irritate visitors. Why do we need two conditions? The time since the last proactive invitation is counted from the moment when the invitation popped up the last time. The default setting is 60 seconds, which means that when the visitor comes to the target page, the invitation does not pop up until 60 seconds have elapsed since the last active invitation. With time since JivoChat window was closed is the same triggering but if the chat was closed by X. It will be better if you set this time value more than "Time since the last proactive invitation" in case the visitor doesn’t want to be bothered. For future settings we won't use "Time since the last proactive invitation" condition. And set the value of "Time since JivoChat window was closed" for 180 seconds (you can use any value for your own site).

  • And the most important condition for the invitation is the necessary title of the page: a "backpack" for example. The condition looks like: if the "Title of the current page" contains a "backpack", then the action will be executed on this page.

And to prevent the common action on the "backpack" page we should add the following condition:

Instead of the "Title of the current page" condition, you can use the "URL of the current page". In most cases the name of the goods can be taken from the URL address. For example: – we can define the necessary page by the word "backpacks" in the URL. The URL can also contains the search text, for example: . You can create invitations for each result of the results, for example: "Great choice! I'll tell you what you can get from Dakine today, and what you should expect. I'm wearing Mission, cool thing."

The text of the invitation, depending on the advertising campaign#

When you are clicking on an advertisement from the Google AdWords, you usually get the UTM tagged URL in the browser address line. The address usually looks like: These tags can be used to obtain information about the advertising campaign by which a visitor came to the site, which means we can classify the visitor. For example, if he came by the announcement of backpacks for hikes, you would immediately offer what exactly interests. Or if the visitor tried to find compact women's backpacks for the city – this fact would use definitely. You should anticipate needs, and surprise visitors - at the individual approach you have more chances to engage a dialogue, than with one standard phrase "Hello! How may I help you? ". Just set up an action where the condition "if the URL contains ..." and the word from your campaign.

Text depended on the visitor's city#

One of the possible conditions is the visitor's city. Using the opportunity to determine the visitor's city, you can inform the visitor about the latest information for his region\location. For example: "Today and tomorrow there is a special offer - free shipping to London for orders from £ 100. If you have any questions, please contact us." In the Triggers settings you should select the "Visitor's City" condition and enter the first letters of the city name:

Text and action time, depending on the actions of the visitor

If you have an online store or you offer some services, then on the way from the visitor to the buyer your client overcomes some standard steps. It can be:

  • Products compare

  • Cart explore

  • Ordering

  • Sign in

  • Delivery methods

Usually the visitor knows how to work with one or another section of the site. Therefore, if you have already configured some actions for these pages, you can add your own extra invitation and set it up only for triggering if the visitor is stuck at one of the steps more than, for example, for five minutes.

Non-standard phrases.#

Hello! How may I help you? It is the standard phrase, it is neutral, polite and can be suitable for any site. But your clients see it everywhere. We recommend to use your own creative text for invitations. You can test 2 versions of your phrase with our AB testing and compare which text is more effective. link.

Use Google Analytics to research how much time your client usually spends on site, on the main page, where he usually follows. This is the excellent instrument to improve the customer interaction with your site. You can find the best moment to offer help.

For example, your client spends more than 1 minute on the main page. In this case you should offer him help only after 40-50 seconds on your site. If less, the client will close the chat window. You can check the effectiveness with our AB testing.

Some tips to improve your agent's performance.#

We recommend to use the real photos and names for your agents. It is notable for trust and good relations with your company. The girl with headphones and microphone looks good for call center ad, but not in your company chat. The real face is the face of your company, as well as the real title.

How to communicate with your customer#

Jivochat sometimes is perceived as a social network, and agents start to communicate with clients in relaxed and informal way. In some cases it is appropriate for a brand to be closer with the customer. Usually we recommend the official communication style, but do not chat like a bot with automatic and algorithmic answers, be flexible.

Please note that clients expect an immediate answer in chat, so do not make them wait. Accept the chat immediately and ask the client to wait if needed. Sometimes it is better to use display message in the chat, when customer have to wait more than 60 seconds.

  • If the chat does not start by proactive invitation with "Hello", always say hello.

  • If you need any time to answer, you should notify the customer. It is a good practice to let your customer know that you received his question.

  • You can see what your customers are typing, but please, don't be hurry and don't send your answer before the customer finishes his message and sends it to you. Prepare your answer and wait, so your customer won't be confused.

Answer in full sentence, do not abbreviate

Pay attention to the visitor. Ask suggestive questions if you don't understand what your customer wants.

Please, be patient and polite. You can change a bad mood of your customers with your good service and friendly attitude to your visitors. Sometimes visitors can ask same questions even if you have already answered them. Just answer him again.

You should always finish your conversation with polite words: have a nice evening, nice trip or success in your business and so on.

You can also get additional information about visitor in the Jivochat app, sometimes it can be helpful:

  • Social networks (you can see social profiles of the visitor if he introduced himself during the chat)

  • Location (If your service has local limitations, it can save the time if visitor is from another location)

  • Visit source (campaign and ad name)

Please note that you’re not only answering the client's question but you lead your client to a purchase. For example, if you don’t have an item your client asks, you can propose him another one.

Triggers with JSON#

We offer advanced settings for your triggers in chat for developers.

If you need advanced settings, you can set up proactive invitations not only in admin panel, but programmatically. It is not obligatory but it can be useful if you should consider cookies and visitors actions on your sites. For example, you have to set the trigger for the whole catalog or you need to show it right after the client adds an item to the cart.

The main advantage in programmatic method is an opportunity to add text with variables: user name, item name and any other information. There are 2 functions for that: jivo_api.showProactiveInvitation and jivo_api.setRules()

jivo_api.showProactiveInvitation ()

When you call this function proactive invitation appears with the text given. For example:

jivo_api.showProactiveInvitation ("Good morning!")

This function can be called by a visitor's actions, for example click on a button.

You can delay this function with setTimeout .

Also you can use department_id for this function in case departments are enabled on your account.


Firstly, enable the departments feature via these instructions.

To define the department id you should login to your agent app – open the 'settings' of your site –> Triggers. You will see in the conditions the department. Please choose the department in settings, save the changes. And then click 'JSON pattern', you will see the department id.

Now you can set the invitation from the department

onclick="jivo_api.showProactiveInvitation(‘Hello! I have great discount for you today!’, '26026’);"

You can add JSON pattern to the proactive invitation with this function. You can modify the pattern from admin panel, where we get deparment id.

Please note that you can call jivo_api.setRules only after you claim jivo_api

var jivo_onLoadCallback = function() {
jivo_api.setRules(JSON); // JSON

You can add your variables in the message. For example: "Hello! We have a discount today on "+itemName+".

Variables can be defined on server side as well as on the page as Javascript code.

Please note that if you set triggers via JSON, triggers from admin panel won't work.


We are sure these advices are useful for you. Please, share your experience, which triggers you use and how effective they are. You can always contact us in chat or by e-mail

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