How to monitor JivoChat events with Facebook Pixel

Included for free in plans

As a way of viewing your personal JivoChat statistics, you can track down and analyse all events in Facebook Pixel analytics. All events are sent automatically, and it is not necessary to put special tracking codes on your website.

Please note that the feature is only available in the PRO version of our product.

Events Overview#

To view the total number of received events, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Business account, then select "Events Manager" from the list of tools, or follow the link.

  2. In the list of actions find an event named "JivoChat" and check if there is any data. If it is necessary, send a test message to the chat. Events should be displayed in a few minutes:

  1. Go to "View Details" and see the "Event Parameters" column for the details on received events:

Create a JivoChat Conversion#

You can group upcoming JivoChat event data to meet your needs by creating a custom conversion.
Keep in mind that the custom conversion you create will only be applied to data that you got after you created the conversion, and it will not affect previous data.

For example, let's create a conversion for visitors who fill in the contact form in the online mode of chat.

Click on "Create a Custom Conversion". Fill in the form as shown in the picture below:

  • the fields "Name" and "Description" can be filled with any text, for example: the "User left contacts (online)"
  • "Data source": choose a required source
  • "Conversion Event": select the "JivoChat"
  • "Rules": choose the "Event Parameters" type, with the "content_name" parameter that "equals" (or "contains"). Then paste the value " User_gave_contacts_during_chat", and select it in the typing hint that appears below
  • click on the "Create" button to finish the process.

The next paragraph contains a list of all events that can also be set as conversions.

Description of events available in Facebook Pixel#

Chat_established - A dialogue was established between the visitor and the agent. This event is recorded when the agent accepts the chat request on his desktop. It is true for both cases:

  • When the client writes in the chat when receiving an active invitation (and the operator press the Reply button in the application of the operator);
  • When the client presses the button of the widget and writes a message in the chat without receiving any active invitations (and the operator pressed the Reply button in the application of the operator);
  • When an agent starts a chat manually, using the "Start chat" button on the Visitors screen. Please note that in this case it is not necessary that a visitor will reply to the agent, in other words it is possible to get this event without a chat in JivoChat statistics or Archives, because we do not keep the chats where there were no messages from a visitor.

Chat_requested - Visitor manually clicked on the chat widget.

Proactive_invitation_shown - The proactive invitation was sent to the visitor

Proactive_invitation_accepted - The visitor accepted a proactive invitation by writing a message in response. This event is sent on chat button click after an invitation on mobile devices.

Proactive_invitation_rejected - The visitor closed the proactive invitation window by clicking on the "X"

Offline_form_shown - The contact form was shown to the visitor when there were no agents online

Offline_message_sent - The visitor sent an offline message

User_gave_contacts_during_chat - The visitor filled up the contact form in the chat window.

Callback_invitation_shown - The callback form was shown to the visitor by the trigger.

Callback_requested - The customer clicked on the "Call Back" button in the callback order form.

Mobile_call - The customer pressed the button "Call …"in the mobile widget or orders a callback.

In-chat_email_form_shown - The client was shown an e-mail request form by system trigger.

In-chat_email_form_submitted - The client fills an e-mail form, which was called by system trigger, during the chat session.

Continue_in_social - The visitor clicked on the "Continue on Facebook" button.

Client_initiates_chat - The visitor started the chat manually, without an active invitation, by sending a message in the chat.

Client_answer_on_agent_request - Agent manually starts the chat with the "Visitors" option in the agent application and the client responds to it.

Prechat_phrase_clicked - The visitor clicked on the shortcut button for a quick chat starting.

How to count the events#

Depending on what is the target action for the client in chat, statistics can be considered in different ways. In some cases, a conversion is considered as a client’s request to chat, regardless of the result. In other cases, only the successful dialogues need to be counted, without taking into account the missed ones. Another option is to count only leads.

To calculate all customer chat requests, you need to summarise the following events:

  • Offline_message_sent
  • Proactive_invitation_accepted
  • Client_initiates_chat
  • Client_answer_on_agent_request

For more complex solutions you can use compound goals. For example, you can track successful chats, when the client sent a message (Client_initiates_chat) and agent accepts the chat (Chat_established):

Facebook JivoChat Audiences#

In Ad accounts there’s an option to set up user audiences. To create it:

  1. Go to "Audiences" section:

  1. Click on "Create a Custom Audience" and select "Website" as the source:

  1. Create a new custom audience as it shown on the image below using one (or more) events from JivoChat:

Facebook Pixel Helper browser extension#

Facebook provides a special tool Facebook Pixel Helper that tracks the activity of Facebook pixels in the background. You can use it to check what events are sent to Pixel when you interact with JivoChat.

The Pixel Helper is a Chrome Browser extension available at the Extension store: link.

Why statistics can differ from the data in JivoChat app#

If there is no data at Facebook Pixel, there can be two main reasons for this:\

  1. You use a free version of our service.
  2. Pixel and Jivochat codes are embedded in different parts of the site template (e.g. Facebook Pixel code is in header, JivoChat code is in footer).

Official reasons why statistics can be wrong (from Facebook support team):

  1. Incorrect installation of Facebook Pixel code. Some browsers can ignore/block JavaScript code (Facebook Pixel is JavaScript code).
  2. Counter codes are installed at the end of an HTML page. If the user stops downloading such a page or leaves it before it’s loaded completely, you will not get any hits in Facebook Pixel.
  3. Ad blockers can also block Facebook Pixel.
  4. Issues on Facebook Pixel servers or with ISP.
  5. Counters use different algorithms for data processing.

Thus, certain errors can always be present in the data. The accurate number of chats is shown in the JivoChat app. But, of course, for a better comprehension you can use Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics.

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